Can You Use a Two Door Car for Uber?

Depending on the Uber service that you may be thinking about driving for, you may be wondering whether or not you can use your two door car to drive for Uber.

The answer to this question is almost always no.  There are a few exceptions, and they really should be considered special exceptions only.  These exceptions to the no the no two doors rule with Uber has been in the UberZip service and very high end sports cars have been allowed in the UberSelect in the past.

For any normal Uber service in the United States, Uber officially does not allow two door cars in any of their more standard services.  These include:

  • UberX
  • UberXL
  • UberSUV
  • UberBLack


The Major Exception:  Uber Eats

You Can Drive for Uber Eats with a 2 door car

There are no exceptions to the rule for these services.  But, you should be just fine using a two door car for Uber eats.  If you are interested in that service the gist of it is that you would deliver foods from restaurants that wouldn’t normally deliver.  It’s not available everywhere, but if you are interested in that you can check it out here.


Conclusion:  Can you drive for Uber with a two door car?

Unless you are reading this trying to figure out if you can use your Ferrari as an Uber vehicle (and if you are, good for you), the answer is going to be a no.

The vehicle restrictions for UberX aren’t really that stringent.  If you are thinking about driving for Uber and are thinking about getting a four door car, I would recommend a Toyota Camry or Honda Accord.  They are super roomy in the back, and incredibly reliable.  They hold value well and don’t cost a fortune.  It would also be wise to buy a four door car with like thirty or forty thousand miles on it, as opposed to brand new.  Once it hits the 130K mark or so, go ahead and unload it before the maintenance costs start to really add up.  Here are all the Uber Car Requirements.

Sorry that you can’t use your 2 door car for Uber for passengers.  But, there are still other options, including UberEats.